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Art Classes & Workshops

Art Classes & Workshops.


This is an in house Fine Arts painting class.  Held once a week,  for 10 weeks based on school terms . 

* Structured in a way that focuses on relaxing the body and quieting the mind  activating a balanced recognition of our true nature  which is intuitive wisdom and creativity beyond the known. 

* Art is about refocusing.  From outward distractions (leaking energy)  to inward focus, discovering ones own true energy. 

* When we relax,  we change our metabolic energy,  our perception changes,  and  how we see the world and each other also changes. 

* With relaxation comes a rebalancing of our whole nervous system.  From fear  & resistance, to allowing expansion  & joy to flow through us,  bringing  the mind into balance with respect of self & others.

​* Music  is used to relax the body's nervous system, releasing stuck energy,  easing into the flow of sensing and intuiting body sensation. 

* The benefit is more vitality, through accessing and expressing our own energy without outside distractions,  in a healthy, positive & joyous way. 

* Relax and explore your authentic self, with  imagination, music, and movement in a safe joyful class ... 


 All are welcome.

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