1. True Nature...
You are not your body identity, possessions, thoughts or beliefs. You are awareness that is ever present. With clear pointing to what is the true "I Am" all suffering thoughts are seen as a mist, a veil, a story, covering up your true essence. Your Natural state of being is sovereignty, true Freedom and it's yours any time you choose.
And most of us need help recognising this.
Direct pointing to True Nature
A Conversation.
In our dialogue you are guided to recognise that which is already present, as your natural state. Pointing to what is permanent and what is impermanent gives you added clarity. A time of integration is needed by you. There is integration guidance in "The body of Wisdom" talks.
The process is a reversal from what we were all lead to believe.
There are three stages of awakening , from something to nothing to everything.
In separation we experience all kinds of fear. Recognise the grasp of desire and fear. We can only know what is true, by having experienced what is not true.
True Nature is both empty of form & as limitless as an infinite field of pure potential, fully integrated formless, peaceful & free, this is a body of bliss and what is referred to as the true " I Am"
Now we begin to live as a conscious creative expression of All that is.
There is great humility in this recognition. Authentic & effortless being, free to fully allow all to pass through in silent non-grasping awareness, joyful in every moment, no matter what.
It is an honour to point you to what is already present, this is where the separate self ends and
" I " consciousness Am, is realised.
There is nothing to add, but point to what is already present as your true nature ,
Your true nature is Freedom Peace and Love.
2. The Path of Wisdom
Beyond Recognition! These talks are held on zoom ... The path of Wisdom... is a vital stage, a dissolving process.. It is recommended that you recognised true nature first before diving into these talks ... Dissolving the programmed identity is a natural process of uncovering all that is not true, and resting deeper & deeper into awareness happens here, The path of Wisdom... * There are several unique aspects to these talks, the main aim is recognising the sensations in the body, as dissolving fear begins, it is a natural process. I would say it is the release of the ultimate fear, which is the fear of death. When fully integrated infinite aware being is realised beyond the known. with deep peace, softening and surrendering into the empty nothingness, Into the pure, unformed, uncreated, open hearted awareness, gentle & loving.
True wisdom is realised in the post ego state. Resting in the peaceful, silent emptiness there is so much more. Here we cover Metaphysics, Gravity, understanding consciousness and energy, Time & space, and multi dimensionality. . Fill out contact details below and we will get back to you promptly... 🙏🏼
3. The Path of Bliss
The Beauty of Creation ...These talks are currently held on zoom ... with the wisdom of the separate self integrated and the fear of death has dissolved into knowing. The true I ... The Path of Bliss is now resting as being, knowing awareness & peace. Always home, having never left is clear. .
Hearts open to the humble understanding that there is indeed nothing other than consciousness. Every expression is of service to the one infinite awareness. This is often called The Divine Mother or the Goddess of Creation. The path of bliss, the path of inclusion, from Zero point now going out into the world, as all there is, is to be of service to awareness itself.
Sharing our unique gifts with others. It is the joy of infusing pure awareness in everything we do.
Knowing knows only itself, in other words consciousness recognises itself as everyone & everything. Beauty is created, made manifest out of pure knowing. The doorway to sensory being-ness, that has laid dormant for lifetimes, is now open. The divine Mother within us all is a loving empty space... to witness a whole new world being birthed.