This period of time September to October 2024 has a huge influence on the next chapter of human evolution. But not before bringing all the hidden or alien aspects of self into recognition, and reclaimed in love within each of us. Closing out the delusional lower octave energies of human perfection. In its higher octave Pisces is the sign of dreams, intuitive wisdom and knowing-ness.
This is the point of rebirth, claiming back our autonomy as the true creator beings we are. Be conscious of who and what you give your energy to. Focus on what makes your heart sing.
What interesting times we live in. We may be seeing situations come around again, almost a replica of 2006 or 2016 well heck, it is the pattern of the whole human experience, and why we incarnated in physical form in the first place. Accept it all with gratitude and love, understanding it was all you.
There is nothing to achieve, simply recognise what is already present, never changing. Total acceptance of all experiences . Earth is where we learn to transcend all our fears & delusions, Realise the stillness, the neutrality. This recognition may come gradually, Peace is the depth of our true nature. Self realisation is not some lofty esoteric or exortic state only intended for a select few ... not at all. It is simply allowing what is our natural state, but from my experience, we need some guidance from a master.
The horizontal or linear lives of birth to death that we live in physicality, achieving high status and many possessions may seem like the ultimate existence. However the physical is only one of the many bodies we possess. There is a huge opportunity that may be overlooked if we get lost in the world of shiny objects and forget why we came here in the first place.
Waking up from the dream
We transcend the mental body to access the wisdom of higher intelligence or "Knowing", when we activate the vertical aspect through the heart chakra. Which is an open, clean, balanced and ultimately transcendent nature of all seven energy centre's of the body, one is no longer in duality. After awakening one begins to recognise everything is within. Responsibility is to your own higher aspect, (this vertical aspect). It is imperative to be mindful of who and what you give your time & energy to. With silent observation one will notice that there is a fearful as well as a loving awareness to all these energy centres within the body, recognise and balance it within you and you will ultimately transcend the physical trap... This is not a doing, this is being consciously aware that your true nature is sensory be-ing.
Here's the seven chakra energy centres...
The root chakra- survival/rooted in physicality.
The sacral chakra- sexual/ creative/reproductive
The solar plexus- emotions/anger/willpower.
The heart chakra- feeling/ sensing/compassion ...
The throat chakra- expression/authenticity
The third eye- clear seeing
The crown chakra- higher connection .
Observe how energy is fed upon in the dualistic realm is through power games, of neediness, hierarchy, control & manuplation, due to a lack of higher intelligence. Ultimately this is seen as a game based in fear and separation. As the world gets louder, ego's get nastier when you see through the game.
When the vertical aspect is activated one knows their own source of energy, and that this is to be respected and honoured at all times. How this is identified is through sensory perception. By identifying the ever changing mental experience .... from the never changing awareness of being.
You cannot change the outside, you can only remain as aware presence.
What is intensifying now is nothing can be swept under the rug anymore, all ego dulusion is crumbling... notice what is crumbling within you NOW and accept it with love, grace and mastery. Nothing in this life experience will ever be the same again as humanity transcends the ever changing identity/ mental body, based in separation. Allow all untruths to fall away. Exciting times are ahead as our Greater destiny unfolds.
Namaste 🙏🏼