Its a movie... A projection... a play... of energies.
This is the end of the delusion of the iron age.
Of fear, control & conformity.
For years I have been saying stop watching the outside,
go within all you need is right here.
Yogic science has taught simple techniques
for accessing your own energy within, for eons.
The mental way is only what is known,
believing what you're told.
The mind will scare you into believing you are
giving your power away to an external force.
It's all a paradox.
The force is your true nature.
The delusion is how far you bought into the false narrative.
The structures of separation are crumbling.
The Aquarian Age is our direct connection to our own energy.
This is where we are now.
You are the screen not the movie that's playing.
This is where your power is ...
In the darkness lies our freedom.
Dare to step in and claim it...
Sovereignty is higher intuitive knowing...
Where the delusion is revealed.
Having courage to live from our true wisdom..
Creating a new world order & shining quietly
as the world turns around & the unseen ones become the becons of light.
An empath knows, to have compassion is to observe with dis-passion.
Not needing to change, heal or fix anyone until they are ready to recognise wisdom.
Simply relaxing & remaining in neutral wholeness.
while all naturally falls into place.
Where the silent ground of peace is always present.
From here new worlds are created.
To all Artists & creators...
Please realise the importance of what you are doing right now.
You are creating something that has never existed before, that's what an Artist does,
simply by holding the energy of creativity & loving kindness.
Together we are giving birth to the New Human Species and the beginning of the Golden Aquarian Age of higher mind.
Namaste 💖🙏🏼